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Video surveillance systems have played a very important role in improving safety and security in public and private places in our community. The integration of cameras in public places has made it possible to monitor human activities to ensure that security services are more cost-effective. Unfortunately, the limitations imposed by monitoring officers influence the effectiveness of these tools. Indeed, monitoring a video constantly and without interruption is almost impossible for humans. The new strategies have been oriented towards the notion of the Internet of Things (IoT). This new concept, which refers to the interconnection of a set of objects via an Internet network, has made it possible to retrieve information of great semantic importance, which until now has been a task for human operators. The interconnection of surveillance cameras allows a constant and unlimited exchange of relevant information on the nature of objects and their behaviour in an environment that is no longer limited by a camera's field of view. However, this large amount of information managed by the camera network has made old techniques quickly obsolete in the face of new challenges in which human operators' interventions are very limited. The objective of this thesis is to propose new methods capable of managing a set of cameras linked by the IdO concept to detect, recognize, monitor and interpret the behavior of objects.
Abstract (Ar)
كانت أنظمة المراقبة بالفيديو مهمة للغاية في تحسين السلامة والأمن في الأماكن العامة والخاصة في مجتمعنا. مكّن دمج الكاميرات في الأماكن العامة من مراقبة أنشطة البشر لضمان فعالية أفضل من حيث التكلفة لخدمات الأمن. لسوء الحظ ، فإن الحدود التي يفرضها الوكلاء المسؤولون عن المراقبة تؤثر على فعالية هذه الأدوات. في الواقع ، مراقبة الفيديو باستمرار وبشكل مستمر أمر مستحيل فعليًا على البشر. انتقلت الاستراتيجيات الجديدة نحو مفهوم إنترنت الأشياء (IoT). هذا المفهوم الجديد ، الذي يشير إلى التوصيل البيني لمجموعة من الكائنات عبر شبكة الإنترنت ، قد جعل من الممكن استعادة المعلومات الدلالية ذات الأهمية الكبرى ، والتي كانت حتى الآن مهمة للمشغلين البشريين. يسمح الربط البيني لكاميرات المراقبة بتبادل مستمر وغير محدود للمعلومات ذات الصلة حول طبيعة الكائنات وسلوكها في بيئة لم تعد مقيدة بمجال رؤية الكاميرا. ومع ذلك ، فإن هذه الكمية الكبيرة من المعلومات التي تديرها شبكة الكاميرا جعلت التقنيات القديمة عفا عليها الزمن بسرعة في مواجهة التحديات الجديدة التي تكون فيها تدخلات المشغلين البشر محدودة للغاية.
Abstract (Fr)
Les systèmes de vidéosurveillance ont pris une part très importante pour améliorer la sûreté et la sécurité dans les endroits publiques et privées au sein de notre communauté. L’intégration des caméras dans les endroits publics a rendu possible la surveillance des activités des humains pour garantir une meilleure rentabilité des services de sécurité. Malheureusement, les limites imposées par les agents responsables de la surveillance influencent sur l’efficacité de ces outils. Effectivement, surveiller une vidéo constamment et sans interruption est quasiment impossible pour les humains. Les nouvelles stratégies se sont orientés vers la notions d’Internet des objets (IdO). Ce nouveau concept qui désigne l’interconnexion d’un ensemble d’objets via un réseau Internet a permis de récupérer des informations de très grande importance au niveau sémantique qui était jusqu’à nos jours une tache destiné aux opérateurs humain. L’interconnexion des caméras de surveillance permet un échange constant et sans limites d’informations pertinentes sur la nature des objets et leurs comportements dans un environnement qui ne se limite plus par le champ de vision d’une caméra. Cependant, cette quantité importante d’information gérer par le réseau de cameras a rendu les anciennes techniques rapidement obsolètes face à de nouveaux enjeux dans lequel les interventions des opérateurs humains sont très limité. L’objectif de cette thèse est de proposer de nouvelles méthodes capables de gérer un ensemble de caméras liées par le concept de IdO pour détecter, reconnaitre, suivre et interpréter les comportements des objets.
Scientific publications
- [j3] Ala-Eddine Benrazek, Kouahla Zinedine, Farou Brahim, Mohamed AmineFerrag, Seridi Hamid and Kurulay Muhammet, "An Efficient Indexing for IoT Massive Data based on Cloud-Fog Computing", WILEY Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (ETT). DOI: 10.1002/ett.3868, 17 February, 2020.
- [j2] Ala-Eddine Benrazek, Farou Brahim, Seridi Hamid, Kouahla Zinedine and Kurulay Muhammet, "Ascending Hierarchical Classification for Camera Clustering Based on FoV Overlaps for WMSN", IET Wireless Sensor Systems, 9.6, 382-388. DOI: 10.1049/iet-wss.2019.0030, 29 July, 2019.
- [j1] Ala-Eddine Benrazek, Farou Brahim, and Kurulay Muhammet. "Efficient Camera Clustering Method Based on Overlapping FoVs for WMSNs." International Journal of Informatics and Applied Mathematics 1.1: 11-27, 2019.
Scientific conferences
- [C9] Wafa Nebili, Ala-Eddine Benrazek, Muhammet Kurulay, Brahim Farou and Mohamed Amine Ferrag, "Enhancing the Field Coverage of UAV using Grey Wolf Optimizer", 1st International Conference on Innovative Trends in Computer Science (CITCS'2019) , Guelma, Algeria, 2019.
- [C8] Ala-Eddine Benrazek, Kouahla Zineddine, Farou Brahim and Seridi Hamid, “A Scalable Index for Internet-of-Things”, 2nd Conference on Informatics and Applied Mathematics IAM'2019, Guelma, Algeria, 2019.
- [C7] Ala-Eddine Benrazek, Brahim Farou, Hamid Seridi, "A Method of Grouping Cameras in a Video Surveillance System Network", 7th IEEE International Conference on Smart Communication in Network Technologies (SaCoNeT 2018), El-Ouad, Algeria, 2018.
- [C6] Ala-Eddine Benrazek, Brahim Farou, Hamid Seridi, "A New Method of Grouping Cameras based on Overlapping Visual Fields in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks", 1st Conference on Informatics and Applied Mathematics (IAM'2018), Guelma, Algeria, 2018.
- [C5] Bourbia Riad, Lynda Dib, and Ala-Eddine Benrazek. "A patient monitoring system based on agent technology under JADE", IEEE International Workshop on Complex Systems and Networks (IWCSN), Doha, Qatar, 2017.
- [C4] Riad Bourbia, Lynda Dib, Ala-Eddine Benrazek. "Agent-Based Modeling of the Hospital MIS to Enhance Patient Care", World Congress on Renewable Energy and Sustainable Computing (WCRESC 2017) Hammamet, Tunisia, 2017.
- [C3] Riad Bourbia, Lynda Dib, Ala-Eddine Benrazek, Gueroui Fatima Zahra, Berkani Hayet. "An Intelligent System for Patient Data Sharing Under JADE Platform", 8ème Workshop AMINA " Application Médicales de l'informatique: Nouvelles Approches ", Monastir, Tunisia, 2016.
- [C2] Bourbia, Riad, Lynda Dib, and Ala-Eddine Benrazek. "An agent-based architecture for a distributed MIS.", 2016 IEEE/ACS 13th International Conference of Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA). Agadir, Morocco, 2016.
- [C1] Riad Bourbia, Ali Seridi, Noor El houda Nouar, Ala-Eddine Benrazek. "Social learning through MOOCs", International Conference of Computing for Engineering and Sciences (ICCES’2015), Istanbul, Turkey, 2015.